Comprehensive Assessment to Preserve Resilience in Older Adults With Cancer
Older adults have an increased risk of malignancy. Seniors often tolerate cancer treatment as well as younger people, depending on functional and general health status.
Cancer is most often diagnosed in people 65 years of age and older. Nurses must be aware of management options and some potential emergencies associated with the diagnosis and treatment of a malignancy.
A. Assess for comorbid conditions.
- Cancer may be one of several chronic conditions.
- The more severe the comorbidity, the lower the probability of survival after a diagnosis of cancer. The absence of severe comorbidity and good general health allow older people to be considered for more aggressive types of cancer treatments.
B. Assess the patient using a CGA.
- A CGA is a battery of clinical measures used to assess functional, emotional, and cognitive status; falls; medications; and general health status.
- Functional status can be measured using an Activities of Daily Living Scale, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale, Gait Assessment Scale or Berg Balance Scale.
- The risk of falls can be assessed using the Timed Up and Go Test.
- Emotional status is often assessed using the eriatric Depression Scale.
- Cognitive status is assessed using the Mini-Cog.
- General health status is assessed with a complete history and physical exam.
C. Medication is evaluated using the Beers Medication Screen.
A. Older patients with cancer require comprehensive geriatric assessment and monitoring during diagnosis and treatment of malignancy.
CGA comprehensive geriatric assessment
Updated: January 2025
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Chapter 35, Overcash, J. & Balducci, L. (2025) Comprehensive Assessment to Preserve Resilience in Older Adults With Cancer
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