Areas of Faculty Research

HIGN/NYU Meyers faculty are leaders in the field of geriatric and gerontological research. The following areas describe some of the work being done today by our faculty.
Community-Based Care
HIGN staff and affiliate faculty are well funded in exploring community based care, including long-term care, adult day care, home care, primary care and caregiving. Examples of studies include workforce issues, integrated models of care, health literacy, and transitional care.
Behavioral Health
Research in this area includes work on mental health support for older adults, especially those from marginalized populations and those with substance use disorders. Our research faculty is also looking at ways to use technology for socially isolated older adults.
Health Equity
Our faculty’s work aims to improve health outcomes in marginalized older adult communities and reduce health disparities. This includes bringing awareness to social determinants of health and working to shift models of care to community-based services.
Global Health
Research in this area focuses on serving underprivileged and underserved communities on a global scale. This research is important given the global increase in the aging population.
Our faculty's studies include ways to improve the quality of care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Their work includes promoting dementia-friendly communities, increasing the use of non-pharmacological interventions, supporting informal caregivers, and the use of technology.
Hospice and Palliative Care
Research in this area focuses on pain and end-of-life care for older adults across healthcare settings. This includes studies in using technology-based interventions, ways to support patient’s and family’s management of illness and integrating palliative care into ICU practices.