Best Practices

Best Practices for the Care of the Older Adults
Best Practices Primary Care of Older Adults Download: (English) (Spanish)
Best Practices Older Adults Chronic Disease Download: (English) (Spanish)
This section contains two best practice guidelines to promote healthy aging: Best Practices and Resources for the (1) Primary Care of the Older Adult and (2) Care of the Older Adult with Chronic Disease. These best practice guidelines were established by the NYU Meyers World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Gerontology Education. They were developed and recently updated by experts in the field of healthy aging and are designed to inform curriculum and training for interprofessional health care providers of older adults in the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) Region.
The goal of this World Health Organization Collaborating Center (WHOCC) is to build the capacity of health care providers in the care of older adults primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean. These best practices guidelines however can be adapted to any geographic regions in the world and can be modified depending on provider knowledge and the cultural settings in which training will occur. Any changes in these recommendations should correspond to the needs of targeted populations, scope of health professional practice, and culture.