Policy Steering Committee

HIGN Co-chairs

The HIGN Policy Steering Committee strives to advance long-term care by examining and improving policy through a nursing lens. At HIGN we acknowledge that long-term care takes place in multiple settings including homes, community-based centers, senior housing, assisted living, and nursing homes among others. We aspire to channel the recognition and influence of HIGN across these long-term care settings, to develop and champion evidence-based policies that promote person-centered care, practice change, and health equity for older adults. Through our multifaceted advocacy efforts, our objective is to create environments where older adults, families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals can thrive.


Tina R. Sadarangani, ANP-C, GNP-BC, PhD, RN 

Jasmine Travers, AGPCNP-BC, CCRN, PhD, RN


Tara Cortes, PhD, RN, FAAN

Cynthia Chong, MPA

Kelseanne Breder, PhD PMHNP-BC

  • Robyn Stone

    Robyn Stone, DrPH, LeadingAge


    Dr. Robyn Stone is a distinguished researcher and leading authority on aging and long-term policy. She is currently the Senior Vice President of Research, LeadingAge and a Co-Director, LeadingAge LTSS Center at University of Massachusetts Boston.  

  • Lori Smetanka

    Lori Smetanka, JD, Consumer Voice


    Lori Smetanka is the Executive Director of the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, the leading national nonprofit advocacy organization representing consumers receiving long-term care and services in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home and community based settings.  

  • Moroni Fernandez Cajavilca

    Moroni Fernandez Cajavilca, RN

    Research Resident

    Moroni Fernandez Cajavilca is currently a research resident and Ph.D student at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing.