Courses and Case Studies

The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program.  Please visit this page for updated content.


Care of Older Adults in Long-Term Care: PCP Series

This series was created to ensure that all primary care providers have the knowledge to care for older adults across the spectrum of long-term care. These courses promote team-based, coordinated, person-centered, evidence-based care for older adults in the long-term care setting.


Care of Older Adults in Long-Term Care: HHA/CNA Series

This series was created to ensure that direct caregivers have the knowledge to care for older adults across the spectrum of long-term care. These courses promote team-based, coordinated, person-centered, evidence-based care for older adults in the long-term care setting.


Care of Older Adults in Long-Term Care: Discharge Planner Series

This series was created to ensure that discharge planners have the knowledge to implement care transition plans for older adults across the spectrum of long-term care. These courses promote team-based, coordinated, person-centered, evidence-based care for older adults in the long-term care setting.


Care of Older Adults in Home Care Series: RN Modules (COA-HC-RN)

This series was developed to assure that nurses have the knowledge to care for older adults in the home. These courses promote team-based, coordinated, person-centered, evidence-based, and quality home care for older adults.

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