Geropsychiatric Nursing Initiative (GPNI): The Modules
Asynchronous Online Courses
Target Audience
- Physicians
- Registered Nurses
This series focuses on mental health and aging, specifically those older adults that present with serious mental illness. The series is for advanced practice registered nurses and other graduate-prepared nurses and nursing students.
The modules in this series can be completed individually or altogether. Nursing continuing professional development contact hours will be provided for each of the modules.
Individuals who complete this series will be able to:
- Assess for and identify ways in which older adults may present with serious mental illnesses.
- Describe how cultural diversity and inclusiveness are essential to caring for older adults with serious and persistent mental illness.
- Recognize how health disparities impact quality care.
- Provide quality care that is sensitive to varying mental health conditions such as depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder.
Click below to purchase individual courses.
Overview of Geropsychiatric Nursing
Serious Mental Illness in Older Adults
Diversity, Inclusiveness and Cross-Cultural Competence in Older Adults with Series and Persistent Mental Illness
Depression in Older Adults
Reducing Iatrogenic Brain Injury in Older Adults
Health Disparities and Geropsychiatric Nursing Practice
PTSD in Older Adults
Bipolar Disorder in Older Adults
These modules are copyrighted and can not be copied in part or used in whole without permission from the Geropsychiatric Nursing Initiative. Email us at if you have any questions.
The author, planning committee, and reviewers have no financial or other conflicts of interest related to this course. There is no sponsorship or commercial support used for this course.
There is no "off label" usage of drugs or products discussed in this course.
Often both generic and trade names may be used in some courses. Trade names may be referred to in a course to promote familiarity and does not suggest endorsement of any individual product over another.