Courses and Case Studies
The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program. Please visit this page for updated content.
COA-LTC (Discharge Planner): Transitional Care for Older Adults
This module will define transitional care, identify gaps in transitional care and risk factors for readmission, and outline the roles of the Interprofessional Team in transitional care. Learners will be able to describe the 4Ms of an age-friendly health system, identify the eight care services associated with improved patient outcomes, and apply techniques that improve patient education.
COA-LTC (All): Serving a Diverse Population in Long-Term Care
This module will outline best practices to use when caring for LGBTQ older adults. This is done by explaining terminology, describing conceptual frameworks, and outlining health disparities faced by this community. Additionally, best-practices in caring for LGBTQ older adults are outlined.
COA-LTC (All): Person and Family Centered Care
This module will guide providers on how to provide care that is respectful of and responsive to individuals, as well as how to put patients/residents and their families at the center of decision-making.
COA-HC-RN: Typical and Atypical Presentation of Illness in Older Adults in the Home Care Setting
This course describes physiological changes related to aging, identifies common ways illness may present in older adults, and distinguishes presentation of common diseases in older adults compared to young adults.