Courses and Case Studies

The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program.  Please visit this page for updated content.


COA-HC-RN: Preventing, Recognizing, and Treating Sepsis in Older Adults in the Home Care Setting

This course focuses on bacteremia and sepsis, explaining the difference between the two, describing signs and symptoms of sepsis, and the presentation of sepsis in older adults.


COA-HC-RN: Person-Centered Care in the Home Care Setting

This course is a practical guide defining person-centered care.


COA-HC-RN: Persistent Pain Among Older Adults in the Home Care Setting

This course describes the types of persistent pain and how it may present itself in the older adult. The course teaches home care clinicians and care managers to assess and manage pain in older adults as part of an interprofessional team, and to understand pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies to improve pain relief.


COA-HC-RN: Palliative and Hospice Care for Older Adults in the Home Care Setting

This course describes palliative care and serious illness symptom management, hospice care and how to discuss it with your clients.

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