Courses and Case Studies

The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program.  Please visit this page for updated content.

Case Study

COA-LTC (RN-IP): Transitional Care for Older Adults (Case Study)

In this case study, professionals will consider interventions to improve the transitional care of older adults after hospital discharge to home, subacute rehabilitation, long-term care, or community-based care settings.


COA-LTC (RN-IP): Transitional Care for Older Adults

This module will focus on transitional care for older adults. This includes recognizing the leading indicator and cause of rising healthcare costs in the United States, describing factors that both impede and enhance transitions in care from the acute care setting to home, subacute care, and long-term care, and describing the age-friendly 4Ms. After completing this module, professionals will be able to understand interprofessional team members roles in promoting smooth transitions across healthcare settings.


COA-LTC (RN-IP): Substance Misuse in Older Adults

This module describes the characteristics of substance use disorders and substance misuse patterns in older adults. This includes illicit drug use, prescription drug misuse, alcohol-related disorders, and tobacco use. The opioid misuse problem in adults age 55+ is discussed. The course outlines assessing older adults for substance misuse and compares these usage patterns in older adults with those of other populations. After viewing this module, practitioners will be able to describe and implement a brief motivational intervention as a component of care and assess and utilize other treatment modalities.


COA-LTC (RN-IP): Preventing, Recognizing and Treating Sepsis in Long-Term Care

This module will focus on preventing, recognizing, and treating sepsis in long-term care facilities. This includes recognizing the difference between bacteremia and sepsis, identifying the signs and symptoms of sepsis, and identifying the presentation of sepsis in older adults. After completing this module, professionals will be able to quickly identify and communicate the signs of sepsis in older adults. Additionally, professionals will be able to assess and manage sepsis in older adults as part of an interprofessional team.

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