COA-LTC (PCP): Preventing, Recognizing and Treating Sepsis
This module outlines how primary care providers (PCPs) can recognize, diagnose and treat sepsis in older adults. Key definitions, symptoms, and indications for diagnosis and treatment are reviewed. Risk factors for this vulnerable population and prevention methods are highlighted.
COA-LTC (PCP): Medication Management for Older Adults (Case Study)
In this case study, professionals will consider how to best manage medications in an older adult patient who is living in long term care.
COA-LTC (PCP): Medication Management for Older Adults
This module will focus on physiologic changes in aging which influence drug pharmacodynamics and the epidemiology of medications use in the elderly. Additionally, learners will be able to identify risk factors for adverse drug events and explain the framework for appropriate prescribing in older adults.
COA-LTC (HHA-CNA): Urinary Tract Infections and the Older Adult
This module discusses the risk factors for UTIs in older adults in long-term care (LTC) and in home care, such as indwelling urinary catheters. It also defines a UTI, how to prevent UTI's in older adults in long-term care and home care, and signs and symptoms of UTI's in people with and without dementia.