COA-LTC (RN-IP): Medication Management for Older Adults
This module will focus on medication management for older adults in long-term care facilities. This includes describing general medication-related and prescribing principles in the care of older adults, identifying risk factors for adverse drug events in older adults, and describing pharmacokinetic principles related to age changes in absorption, metabolism and excretion. After completing this module, professionals will be able to explain the importance of the 2019 AGS Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Use of Medications in Older Adults and identify strategies to promote medication management and reconciliation for older adults.
COA-LTC (RN-IP): Medicare Annual Wellness Visits and Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Older Adults
After completing this module, health care professionals will be able to identify the purpose and components of the Welcome to Medicare Preventive Visit, the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit, and an annual health care physical. The course also describes health promotion and disease prevention strategies, and includes recommended immunizations for older adults.
COA-LTC (RN-IP): Health Literacy, Health Promotion, and Population Health
Understanding the importance of patient health literacy is an important aspect of promoting healthy practices. This module will guide licensed providers, such as physicians, nurses, social workers, and therapists, on how to integrate components of health literacy and health promotion in their care of older adults.
COA-LTC (RN-IP): Falls and Fall Prevention
This module defines the causes and risk factors for falls in older adults, describes the need for comprehensive assessment for falls in this population, and identifies validated screening tools to utilize when evaluating for fall risk. After viewing this module, practitioners will understand their role in preventing falls and in intervening when a patient has a fall, and will understand strategies to prevent falls and serious injury in ambulatory and home care settings.