Courses and Case Studies

The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program.  Please visit this page for updated content.

Case Study

BH-LTC: Depressive Disorders and Older Adults Case Study (RN-IP)

This Behavioral Health in Long-Term Care (BH-LTC) case study aids in assessing and developing a care plan for an older adult presenting with a depressive disorder in long-term care.


BH-LTC: Depressive Disorders and Older Adults (RN-IP)

This Behavioral Health in Long-Term Care (BH-LTC) course covers the epidemiology, etiology and basic neurobiology of depression. This course also discusses the impact of depression in older adults and treatment options.


Behavioral Health in Primary Care (BHPC) Series

This series covers a wide variety of topics related to the delivery of behavioral health service in primary care. Topics include substance use disorders and mental health issues across the lifespan. These online courses and case studies are appropriate for RNs, LPNs and other members of the interprofessional team.


Behavioral Health in Long-Term Care: RNs/Interprofessionals

The Behavioral Health in Long-Term Care series educates RN and Interprofessionals on the identification of behavioral health disorders frequently seen across the continuum of long-term care.

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