Courses and Case Studies
The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program. Please visit this page for updated content.
COA-LTC (HHA-CNA): Transitional Care for Older Adults
This module will help direct caregivers understand the importance of their role on the team caring for patients/residents, use communication tools that will help report a change of status, and recognize and communicate when an action may affect the safety of a patient/resident.
COA-LTC (HHA-CNA): Preventing, Recognizing and Treating Sepsis in Long-Term Care
This module will focus on the differences between bacteremia, sepsis and septic shock, the signs and symptoms of sepsis in the older adult, and the presentation of sepsis in older adults. Learners will discuss ways to prevent sepsis both in long-term care (LTC) and home care, define post-sepsis syndrome, and identify and report signs, symptoms and presentation of sepsis to the charge nurse in LTC and/or the home health nurse.
COA-LTC (HHA-CNA): Health Literacy
Understanding the importance of patient health literacy is an important piece of health promotion. This module will guide HHAs, PCAs and CNAs on how to integrate components of health literacy and health promotion in their care of older adults.
COA-LTC (HHA-CNA): Falls and Fall Prevention (Case Study)
In this case study, direct caregivers will navigate the care for an older adult patient by assessing and managing their risk for falls.