Courses and Case Studies
The following listing includes courses and case studies developed by the Hartford Institute in collaboration with a panel of geriatric experts, the Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Initiative (OHNEP) and the NICHE Program. Please visit this page for updated content.
COA-LTC (PCP): Urinary Tract Infections and the Older Adult
This module outlines how primary care providers (PCPs) can recognize, diagnose and treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) in older adults. Key definitions, symptoms, and indications for diagnosis and treatment are reviewed. Risk factors for this vulnerable population are highlighted.
COA-LTC (PCP): Transitional Care for Older Adults (Case Study)
In this case study, professionals will consider interventions to improve the transitional care of older adults to home, subacute rehabilitation, long-term care, or community-based care settings.
COA-LTC (PCP): Transitional Care for Older Adults
This module will define transitional care, the three key elements of a successful transfer discharge, and the relationship between effective communication and successful transition care. Learners will be able to appraise the outcomes of the interprofessional team in transitional care.
COA-LTC (PCP): Preventing, Recognizing and Treating Sepsis
This module outlines how primary care providers (PCPs) can recognize, diagnose and treat sepsis in older adults. Key definitions, symptoms, and indications for diagnosis and treatment are reviewed. Risk factors for this vulnerable population and prevention methods are highlighted.